Fundamentals of Islamic Banking & Finance Executive Training
(IF-ETP 1)
This three day course explores the fundamental pillars of Islamic banking and Finance whitin a context of financial intermediation. It will introduce and explain the basic pillars of Sharia Law as applied to Finance. The programme discusses the functions of the Islamic Financial System including their products and services sucha as Cost-plus sale (Murabaha), Investment financing partnership (Mudrabah), silent partnership (Musharakah), Spot payment sale (Bai'salam), Manufacturing contract (Istisna) and Operational lease (Ijarah).
Islamic Commercial Law & Product Development Executive Training
(IF-ETP 2)
This Course will explore the main categories of contracts used in Islamic finance and look at the main issues pertaining to Islamic financial products and their supportive contracts. By using case studies and analysis of speciment contracts in Islamic Finance this Course endeavours to provide both a theoretical and practical aspects of contracts used in product development in Islamic finance. In addition, product development process; risk management and regulatory framework in Islamic finance shall be explored.
Islamic Law of Contract Executive Training Program
(IF-ETP 3)
The Islamic Law of contracts programme will address a complex issue as there are no texts that set out an all-embracing theory of contract law in Islam which applies to all types of contracts. This course offers a brief guide to the typology of Islamic commercial contracts and its application within a secular legal system. The focus would be on the formation, dissolution, breach and remedies for breach of contracts under Islamic law and its compatibility.
Sukuk Executive Training Program
(IF-ETP 4)
This three day intensive programme provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic capital markets and the relevant Islamic products, the role of various Sukuk; structures; securitization; nature of risks in Sukuk structures reambraced. The course also delves into the burning Fiqhi and legal issues; equity non-equity linked Sukuk structures; orivate placement Sukuk and sovereign Sukuk.
Islamic Wealth Management Executive Training Program
(IF-ETP 5)
This intensive course covers three broad areas of Islamic wealth management, the underpining philosophy of Islamic wealth management, investment avenues that are Sharia compliant and estate tax planing. Participants will be exposed to in depth evaluation of portfolio management process by looking at Investment in shares; Sukuk; Islamic REITs. The course will also address issues of estate & tax planning; which encompasses matter such as Mirath (Islamic Law of inheritance), the basics of estate planing and Tax implications for Wealth management.
Takaful Executive Training Program
(IF-ETP 6)
This three day intensive Takaful Executive training program explains the background and most important charecteristics of the sector. It unfolds the basic concepts of Takaful and provides insight into the historical evolutin of the insurance industry & Takaful, Models of Takaful, jurisprudential issues surrounding the Takaful Model. It will also chart the growth of the Tkaful and Retakaful industries and highlight the challenges and opportunities in the sector. The Course endevaours to highlight technical and regulatory issues, Sharia issues and to consider the deliberations of entities such as the Islamic Finacial Services Board (IFSB) on Takaful matters.